
Standard smooth painted walls are the most common walls we install wall art onto and 98% of our installs have no issues, BUT

We hate snags, and that's why we are aiming for 99.9%. We are now using Polymeric wall vinyl instead of the most commonly used Monomeric wall vinyl our competitors use.

We are offering it as a FREE upgrade to reduce the possibility of you calling us with any issues.

Whats the difference

The main difference between polymeric and monomeric vinyl lies in their flexibility and durability:

  • Polymeric vinyl is made from longer polymer chains, making it more stable and flexible. It's ideal for medium- to long-term applications, particularly on uneven or curved surfaces, as it resists shrinking and fading better.

  • Monomeric vinyl uses shorter chains, making it more rigid and prone to shrinkage over time. It's suitable for short-term, flat applications and is often more cheaper than polymeric vinyl.

Polymeric is preferred for higher-quality, longer-lasting installations and will withstand temperature changes.

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