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Having a website has never been more important than now. A time where everything and everyone is online 24/7. You may close at a certain time but your website will act as a day and night salesman – an invaluable tool for any business owner.
You want to be ready for an automated world!
Sadly, many small and medium businesses don't have an online presence (at all) or adequate website design that can't handle traffic, take online orders, and be mobile-friendly.
1 Page Website
hosting £130 a year + VAT
• SSL certification for your website
• CMS - Content managed website
• Responsive website optimised for Desktop, Tablet and Smartphone
Find the best website plan for your business
hosting £130 a year + VAT
• SSL certification for your website
• CMS - Content managed website
• Responsive website optimised for Desktop, Tablet and Smartphone
hosting £130 a year + VAT
• SSL certification for your website
• CMS - Content managed website 
• Responsive website optimised for Desktop, Tablet and Smartphone
hosting £130 a year + VAT
• SSL certification for your website
• CMS - Content managed website
• Fully responsive technology (desktop, tablet, mobile)
• Creating a unique design using modern design standards,
• 100 words of content creation per page
• Premium stock images
• SEO meta tag setup
• favicon/social icons
• Search engine indexing.
Video header banner (video not included)
hosting £130 a year + VAT
• SSL certification for your website
CMS - Content managed website
• Fully responsive technology (desktop, tablet, mobile)
• Creating a unique design using modern design standards,
• 100 words of content creation per page
• Premium stock images
• SEO meta tag setup
• favicon/social icons
• Search engine indexing.
Video header banner
(video not included)
One of the most effective methods to engage your customers and call them to action is with custom experiences, such as special offers, created through website personalization.
View our range of custom rules
Not only do we make you look great on the web, but we also keep you compliant with search engines and new laws.

In 2018, Google released new Website search ranking requirements. It's no longer just about SEO and keywords. To be ranked, Google requires that your website is mobile friendly, your pages are optimized for speed and that your Website has an SSL Certificate.
All our sites are fully-responsive and optimised for viewing on desktop, tablet and smartphones. This ensures you get the best possible search engine results and it helps your viewers enjoy the experience so much more!
Using one of the world’s largest and most stable hosting platforms, Amazon Web Services (AWS), We are guaranteed the highest level of security, performance, and reliability so you can provide your site visitors the best possible experience at an affordable price.
Find out more.
You’re never required to update hosting on your end; we’ll take care of everything and you have peace of mind knowing your site is safe.
Based on Amazon Web Services, We use the same hosting as some of the world’s largest companies (e.g. Netflix).
Included in the hosting fee is an SSL certificate, which increases security for your visitors and improves your search ranking.
No restrictions on traffic or file storage. Your website loads fast no matter how users visit it!
Images and other media are loaded instantly for any user no matter their location.
Rank higher in searches with instant optimization based on Google's best practices.
No restrictions on traffic or file storage. Your website loads fast no matter how users visit it!
Even in the case of an outage, duplicate servers provide an uninterrupted visitor experience.
Our fully managed hosting means that you won't need to manage complicated servers or file uploads.