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Andrew D.
Mark M
Karren M.
Jamie Beal - Cave Creative
Suzanne fuzzey
Ashlea Gathercole
For Act One Productions which is a brand new company we had to come up with a new logo for there brand
With all our logo design we come up with various design which then we develop a master logo from your chosen design
Create a new custom unit for there mobile rolled ice cream and using there existing logo come up with a design for the brand
We was tasked with installing frosted vinyl into a schools classrooms which redused sunlight to allow the children to study without being blinded by the sun but still allow the teachers to view outside.
The Grumpy pig brand has grown from strength to strength and has interest from Acado and other supermarket brands currently the fastest growing bacon wholesale supplier in the UK
We produce Harlow College banner stands for all there events, open evening